- "Drogen, Baulöwen und Flamingos", 28', WDR Umwelt-Reporter, 1993 (drug smuggling in southern
- "Mörder oder Märtyrer? Kein Frieden für das Baskenland", 30', WDR Ausland-Reporter, 1994 (ETA terrorism, Spain. Includes one of the few interviews ever given by the ETA-leadership).
- "Malaria - Der schleichende Tod", 28', WDR Ausland-Reporter, 1994 (the first double-blind test
of Dr. Manuel Patarroyo's Malaria vaccine in Africa)
- "Celebration", 26'30", GEO-TV / Arte, 1998 (The Disney Corporation’s experiment in New
Urbanism, Florida)
- "Heilkraft aus dem Urwald", 26'30", GEO-TV / Arte, 1999 (ethnobotany and the search for
pharmacological plants in the Amazon, Xingú, Brazil).
- "Hunger nach Licht", 26'30", GEO-TV / Arte, 1999 (Winter Depression and
- "Die Erbin Gandhis", 26'30", GEO-TV / Arte, 2001 (Medha Patkar and the struggle against the
Sardar Sarovar dam in India)
- "Klotzlauf der Krahô-Indianer", 28', Spiele der Welt, SWR-Arte, 2000 (ritual races of an Amazon
tribe, Brazil)
- "Menschenpyramiden in Katalonien", 28', Spiele der Welt, SWR-Arte, 2000 (Human Towers in
Catalonia, Spain)
- "Capoeira", 28', Spiele der Welt, SWR-Arte, 2001 (Brazilian martial arts, Bahia)
- "Frauenrodeo", 28', Spiele der Welt, SWR-Arte, 2001 (Women in the Rodeo, USA)
- "Schafe, Stiere, Menschen – die Transhumanz in Spanien", 52', SWR-Arte, 2002 (migrating shepherds
in Spain).
- "Operation Rote Erde" 45', Tele-Terra / ZDF, 2003 (illegal logging in the Amazon,
- "Südseeträume auf der Haut", 43'30", SWR, 2003 (traditional tattoos in Polynesia)
- "Vietnam - Kinder des Drachen", 43'30", SWR, 2004 (a cultural and historical portrait of
northern Vietnam)
- "Chinatown am Golden Gate", 43'30", SWR-Arte, 2005, (Chinese cuisine and the preservation of
cultural identity in the diaspora in San Francisco)
- “Presoners del Gueto”, 28’15”, TVC, 2005 (the struggle of the non-profit “Brothers Against
Guns” against violence in Bayview-Hunters Point, San Francisco).
- “Una veu d’esperança” 28’15”, TVC, 2006 (violence prevention in the slums of Managua,
- “Natural Building, Native Land”, Building a straw bale house on the Pine Ridge Lakota Indian
Reservation, 84’, WTFilmproduktion & Housalive, 2007 (an instructional DVD). Trailer Buy
- “Aufbruch von unten – Amerikas neue Bürgerbewegung” 45’, ZDF, 2007 (English version: “The
Movement – Grassroots in America” : the struggle of grassroots movements for more Democracy in the USA.
- „Angle“ – Student produced current affairs program, University of Western Sydney for TVS (Television
Sydney), 13 times 30’ , Sydney, 2009 (as Chief Editor / Director) Promo on facebook
- „Im Bett mit Hamburg“, student-produced TV-magazine für Tide-TV, Hamburg Media School, Hamburg, 45’